• Environment and Sustainability

    The U.S. Rejoins the Paris Climate Agreement

    On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, in one of his first acts as president, President Biden signed a letter to the United Nations recommitting the U.S. to the Paris climate agreement. The U.S. officially left the Paris agreement in November 2020. The onboarding will take 30 days, with the U.S. officially back in the pact on February 19, 2021. The U.S. remains the only country to have left the Paris agreement. The Paris agreement began in 2015 when 195 nations agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to combat climate change. Climate change is responsible for not only higher air temperatures, but also stronger storms, rising sea levels, drought,…

  • immigration - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Shoulder to Shoulder

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Immigration Priorities Statement

    A new year and a new presidential administration bring hope for ethical changes to immigration. The last four years both highlighted long-time issues and brought about many new challenges. We are hopeful that the work of MWEG members and many other organizations will lead the way to positive immigration reform. MWEG’s evolution since its inception in 2017 has prepared Shoulder to Shoulder, MWEG’s immigration initiative, to make a tangible difference in the coming year and thereafter. Our priorities for immigration reform are as follows: Change the tone. Reverse the current anti-immigration tone to demonstrate respect, compassion, and dignity for every human being. Support refugees. Increase the presidential determination on refugee…

  • Events,  Official Statements

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government to Speak at 59th Inaugural National Prayer Service

    Executive Director for Mormon Women for Ethical Government, Emma Petty Addams, Joins Leaders of Faith-Based Organizations at the First Virtual National Prayer Service WASHINGTON — Mormon Women for Ethical Government is honored to announce that Executive Director Emma Petty Addams will participate in the offering of a liturgical prayer at the 59th annual Presidential Inaugural Prayer Service on Thursday, January 21, at 10 a.m. ET, hosted by the Washington National Cathedral and livestreamed at https://cathedral.org and https://bideninaugural.org/watch. The virtual event will include readings, prayers, and performances from a diverse group of religious and spiritual leaders, musical guests, and leaders of faith-based organizations, like Addams.  “One of the missions of MWEG…

  • Romney - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    MWEG in Action

    MWEG Impeachment Advocacy Timeline

    In September, MWEG members across the nation began focusing attention on the impeachment process. Our response to this historic event was driven by a desire to help transform citizens as much as leaders.  As the Ukraine scandal began to unfold, our members began crowd-sourcing neutral and comprehensive information about actors, processes, norms, and political relationships. As the House moved toward impeachment, we discussed together what the process would look like as well as historical precedent. Members communicated together on our Facebook discussion group, and leadership reached out with our newsletter, Facebook live events, and presentations on our internal platform. Our objective is always to learn together, gain knowledge and skills,…

  • MWEG in Action

    Full and Fair Trial Prayer and Action Breakfast Speech Text

    January 16, 2020 Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s work is driven by four core attributes: We are faithful, nonpartisan, peaceful, and proactive. This morning, in this particular company, we want to share some of our ideas about the first of those attributes: What it means to be faithful in the context of civic engagement.  For many of our members, faith is central to our advocacy and how we practice it. Faith drives us to participate in civic affairs because it demands that we love our neighbor as ourselves, and because where there is no vision the people perish. Because of our faith, we fight to preserve a society where each…

  • MWEG in Action

    Full and Fair Trial Press Conference Speech Text

    January 16, 2020 My name is Debra Coe, and I am a Republican. My name is Neca Allgood, and I am a Democrat. My name is Catherine Eslinger, and I am a member of the United Utah party. We are all members of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, also known as MWEG. People often ask why MWEG continues to advocate so forcefully for a full and fair impeachment trial. They are surprised that this particular group of women would be so bold. We do this because, in this destructive partisan climate, we believe the only way to heal our nation is to uncover truth and start building consensus around it.…