• rolls of $100 bills (campaign finance)
    Education,  Protecting Democracy

    A Brief Exploration of Potential Campaign Finance Reforms

    We have recently explored several of the core issues surrounding campaign finance that undermine accountability and transparency in our elections. After learning about (i) the disproportionate impact of very wealthy Americans on policy outcomes, (ii) the Citizens United case and consequent rise of super PACs and dark money, and (iii) the challenges with regulating online political ads, it is easy to be disheartened and feel pessimistic about the possibility of change.  But the truth is, many Americans of diverse political ideologies support campaign finance reforms. If we work together, small acts of advocacy could go a long way in encouraging elected officials to make change happen. In this final piece, we’ll…

  • MWEG Chapters,  Official Statements

    Official Statement from the Arizona Chapter of Mormon Women for Ethical Government on the ACC Energy Rules Vote

    We believe the land and the air around us are a gift, and we are responsible for their care. Individual efforts to “safeguard the earth and her resources for our children and generations that follow” are important but insufficient on their own. Reasonable, well-written policies can help to ensure sustainability.  Last Wednesday, January 26, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), by a vote of 3-2, rejected the Energy Rules package that would have required the state’s regulated electric utilities to reduce their carbon emissions to combat climate change. The Energy Rules were drafted over a period of several years and drew upon judgment from industry experts, public utility companies, and Arizona…

  • Call to Action

    Call to Action: Stand with Women Across the U.S. for a Day of Policy Action for the Violence Against Women Act

    After years of negotiations, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have reached a deal on a framework to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) with key improvements and protections to better meet the needs of abuse survivors. They plan to introduce the bill in late January. However, the senators are asking for people to voice support now. While they finalize the bill, Americans can build support for it among our senators. On January 19, MWEG will join the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence and women’s and interfaith organizations across the U.S. in calling on our representatives to…

  • Call to Action,  Protect the Vote

    Call to Action: Ask Your Senator to Bring the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to Debate

    Without protected voting rights for every eligible American, it is impossible to have a government that is truly representative of and accountable to the people. To this end, H.R.4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 (VRAA), was designed to protect the right to vote for Americans who experience voting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or language minority membership. It amends the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 by strengthening its power to protect voting rights and updating its requirements to be specific to the modern context of voting discrimination. The bill was passed in the House strictly along party lines. It now goes before…

  • Protect the Vote,  Protecting Democracy

    Everyone Deserves the Freedom to Vote

    Our country is facing a difficult moment, where it is important to reaffirm our commitment to the core principles of democracy, including representation, equality, and freedom. Legislation upholding our voting freedoms is necessary, but S1, the For the People Act, failed to pass earlier this year. This occurred despite the wide bipartisan support among voters for federal protection of voter rights. Republican senators refused to engage with S1, citing concerns that its scope was too broad. In response, Senate Democrats developed the Freedom to Vote Act (FTVA), initiated by Senator Manchin. The FTVA legislation contains three main divisions: voter access, election integrity, and civic participation and empowerment (which includes redistricting…

  • Call to Action,  Protect the Vote,  Protecting Democracy

    Call to Action: Ask Your Senators to Engage in Discussion of the Freedom to Vote Act

    Equality, freedom, and representation are central to the practice of democracy. To remain a democratic republic, the U.S. must protect the voting freedom of every eligible American, ensuring our ability to participate in free and fair elections. Among American voters, there is wide bipartisan support for federal protection of voter rights. Recognizing this, historically both the Republican and the Democratic parties have overwhelmingly supported the Voting Rights Act and its renewals.  Unfortunately, since the November 2020 election many state legislatures have passed legislation to restrict access to the ballot. In all cases these have been strictly partisan initiatives. The Freedom to Vote Act (FTVA) is intended to provide much-needed reforms…