• Shoulder to Shoulder

    Refugee Resettlement: An Update

    January 9, 2020 By Christie Black, Director of Engagement I have been working within the Phoenix refugee community since 2015, and my immigrant friends have become a part of my everyday life. When the president issued Executive Order 13888 last fall, which requires all state and local governments to opt in to receive refugees in 2020, my heart sank into my stomach. I thought back to when I was volunteering for a local non-profit in 2016. I was helping with their Facebook posting, which required me to receive Google alerts for any mention of the word “refugees.” Some of the media notifications were absolutely ugly — and absolutely false —…

  • Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: Call Your Representatives About Migrant Protection Protocol

    November 21, 2019 Last week MWEG introduced the Principles of Ethical Government. One of the three guiding principles is responsibility — that “all human beings are mutually accountable to their fellow human beings.” We believe we will be held responsible by our Heavenly Parents for how we treat each other or allow others to be treated. This is no less true of how we are treating our brothers and sisters south of the border who are suffering in Mexico as they wait for asylum to be granted. In January of this year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a new policy called the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP, also publicly…

  • Uncategorized

    Become a Sustaining or Supporting Member!

    January 26, 2019 As MWEG enters its third year, we are excited to share more about our mission, objectives, structure, and advocacy policies. Most importantly, we want to invite you to become part of our inaugural group of sustaining and supporting members by following the instructions here. The financial support of our members and friends, along with our leadership team’s efforts to bring greater clarity to our vision, will help us expand our reach, amplify our voices, and increase our impact in 2019 and beyond. Please watch our birthday celebration broadcast video and become a sustaining and supporting member today so that we can continue moving forward in this important…

  • Official Statements

    Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on Continuing Government Shutdown

    January 24, 2019 This afternoon, the Senate failed to pass a continuing resolution that would have ended the government shutdown and given Congress two weeks to come to a compromise on border security and immigration reform. It is unconscionable for Congress to allow hundreds of thousands of federal workers and their families to continue to suffer because of a purely political crisis. We have been praying for our leaders to have wisdom and humility, and we have persistently contacted their offices to ask that they bring an end to this unnecessary shutdown. We are especially grateful to Senator Lamar Alexander, Senator Susan Collins, Senator Cory Gardner, Senator Johnny Isakson, Senator Lisa Murkowski, and Senator Mitt…

  • Official Statements

    Response from Mormon Women for Ethical Government to President Trump’s Crass and Racist Comments

    January 12, 2018 President Trump’s recent comments about Haiti and several countries in Africa and Central America were indefensible–ugly, offensive, racist, and decidedly un-Presidential. We are heartened that so many people are speaking out against this untenable behavior, but we impatiently await the time when honorable members of Congress from both sides of the aisle will put aside politics, recognize what is at stake, and take decisive action to protect this country from a President who is so clearly unfit for office. # # # About MWEG: Founded in January 2017, Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) is a 501(c)4 nonpartisan grassroots organization dedicated to the ideals of decency, honor, accountability, transparency, and…

  • Official Statements

    Response from Mormon Women for Ethical Government to the Passing of President Thomas S. Monson

    January 5, 2018 At the death of our beloved church president and prophet, Thomas S. Monson, we, the members of Mormon Women for Ethical Government express our tender affection and admiration for this man whose lifetime of pure service to millions reflects the Lord and Savior for Whom he was a special witness to the world. The documented and therefore observable features of President Monson’s life—over six uninterrupted decades of church leadership of which more than half a century was spent as an apostle then prophet; his prophecies and their fulfillment regarding the establishment and flourishing of the church in post WWII Germany; spearheading key church departments such as welfare;…