• Black Lives Matter - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Official Statements

    Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on Confronting Systemic Racism

    The women of Mormon Women for Ethical Government join our voices with those calling for justice and accountability following the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement officers and self-deputized citizens. The wave of widespread human despair triggered by the callous killing of George Floyd has been overwhelming. That both the brutality of his killing and the depth of public response were inconceivable to so many should stand as a profound indictment of white American indifference to the suffering of people of color. The inhumanity displayed by four officers of the law brought into focus the myriad ways…

  • Voices of MWEG blog - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Official Statements

    Announcing New Blog; Guidance on Finding the Official Positions of MWEG

    We are pleased to announce the launch of “Voices of MWEG,” a blog featuring the work of individual members of Mormon Women for Ethical Government. You can find it at www.womenmakingpeace.org. Empowering women and highlighting their unique voices is an important part of our mission, and this new space will amplify voices you might not otherwise hear. It is already filled with wise and thoughtful words written by the women of MWEG. Our membership is ideologically, experientially, and politically diverse, which is a source of our strength. However, our organization is committed to being nonpartisan. As such, we recognize the need to clearly distinguish between the opinions of individuals we…

  • Attorney General William Barr - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Official Statements

    Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on the Politicization of the Department of Justice by Attorney General Barr

    February 20, 2020 Attorney General William Barr’s recent politicization of the Department of Justice is an abuse of power that violates the MWEG Principles of Ethical Government. For our democracy to function and corruption to be held at bay, the DOJ must serve as a critical bulwark in the defense of the rule of law, protecting the rights of all citizens. We have witnessed a corruption of criminal justice independence as Attorney General Barr interfered with prosecutorial sentencing recommendations for Roger Stone and supervised the placement of politically supportive U.S. attorneys in key positions. These acts erode the barriers keeping the judicial system free from political interference. When added to…

  • Official Statements

    Official Statement From Mormon Women for Ethical Government on the House Impeachment Vote

    December 18, 2019 We assert that our most sacred civic expression is the casting of an individual vote. Any president or leader who forces political support and fails to honor and protect the free and legitimate elections on which our republic rests has lost the moral right to govern. By attempting to compel Ukraine to announce investigations benefitting only his re-election efforts, President Trump forced every American taxpayer to become an unwitting contributor to his political campaign and a supporter of his re-election. Regardless of the behavior of any other political actor in either party, the president of the United States is never justified in bringing our common resources and…

  • Official Statements

    Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government in Response to the Forced Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions

    November 9, 2018 In view of the forced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the subsequent appointment of acting Attorney General Matthew J. Whitaker, we must once again insist that our leaders put politics aside and make every effort to safeguard the investigation being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The legitimacy of the executive branch depends upon it. While acknowledging that there are unanswered questions about the legality of the appointment of Acting Attorney General Whitaker, we urge him in the interim to uphold all laws, regulations, policies, and long-standing procedural norms to ensure that Special Counsel Mueller is able to fully and effectively complete his investigation regarding…

  • Official Statements

    Official Statement From Mormon Women for Ethical Government Condemning Reckless Rhetoric and Hate-Fueled Violence

    October 27, 2018 Yet again, the United States of America has been wounded by the tragic deaths of some of God’s children because of blatant hatred and prejudice. Our hearts are broken over today’s mass shooting at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s Tree of Life Synagogue and Wednesday’s targeting of a black church and subsequent killing of two black senior citizens at a grocery store in Jeffersontown City, Kentucky. Additionally, a number of prominent Democrats were threatened this week by hate-filled political violence in the form of pipe bombs which, fortunately, was prevented by the good work of those tasked with protecting our country’s political leaders. We express our deepest sorrow, anguish, and…