• Mitt Romney democracy - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    MWEG Opinions

    MWEG Op-Ed: “Who Is Defending Our Democracy?”

    “Allowing foreign governments into our election process puts our democracy and our citizenry in danger. A foreign interest is always just that — foreign and not American. Our leaders must zealously guard our interests and democratic institutions. Our elected representatives are sworn to protect these institutions through rules of law and political norms. Very few are currently doing so. Thank you, Sen. Romney, for courageously defending our democracy. The electorate will remember those willing to protect it and us.” Click here for the full text of this Deseret News opinion piece written by MWEG leaders Lisa Rampton Halverson and Wendy Dennehy.

  • Better Days 2020 - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    MWEG in Action

    ‘Better Days’ Ahead

    By Megan Blood Seawright, MWEG Utah Chapter Lead MWEG’s Utah chapter recently participated in Better Days 2020’s “Radification Celebration,” a lively festival celebrating Utah’s ratification of the 19th amendment. MWEG hosted a booth at the event, where members helped to inspire attendees through a Principles of Peacemaking activity. We had each of MWEG’s six Principles of Peacemaking displayed, along with a woman from Utah history who exemplified each one, as the foundation of our “tapestry.” We asked people to write on ribbons things they could do or are doing to make the world a more peaceful, better place. They then wove their ribbons into the tapestry. Here are some of…

  • refugees - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Call to Action,  En Español,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Llamado Urgente a la Acción para el Reasentamiento de Refugiados

    To read this post in English, click here. La ley de GRACE es una legislación crítica para asegurar el reasentamiento de refugiados que buscan un lugar seguro en los Estados Unidos. De hecho, estos refugiados son seleccionados por La Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. La Ley de GRACE establece que la cantidad mínima de refugiados aceptados en el país es de 95,000 refugiados. Dicho número refleja históricamente el límite de admisiones de refugiados y ofrece una respuesta flexible al incremento drástico de refugiados alrededor del mundo.  El presidente Trump anunció su plan de establecer un número máximo de admisiones de 18.000 refugiados para el…

  • refugees - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: GRACE Act

    Para leer esta publicación en inglés, haga clic aquí. The Guaranteed Refugee Admission Ceiling Enhancement (GRACE) Act is critical legislation to ensure the successful resettling of refugees seeking a safe haven in the United States. These refugees have already been selected by the UN Refugee Agency. The GRACE Act sets a required resettlement floor (meaning an admissions minimum) of 95,000 refugees. This number better reflects the United States’ historical threshold for accepting refugees and shows a flexible response to the drastic rise in refugees worldwide. President Trump announced his plan to set the refugee ceiling (meaning an admissions maximum) for 2020 at an all-time low of 18,000. In addition, cities and…

  • Mormon Women for Ethical Government - MWEG
    MWEG in Action,  Protect the Vote

    National Voter Registration Day!

    September 24 was National Voter Registration Day! MWEG members in Utah joined groups at BYU and the University of Utah to register students to vote. Voter registration deadlines are quickly approaching, so make sure your voter registration is up to date (have you moved recently?) for yourself and your loved ones. If you or someone you know needs an absentee ballot, be sure to request one. MWEG has partnered with Voterise. Want to help? Become a voter ambassador with Voterise by signing up here.

  • Official Statements

    Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on Whistleblower Complaint, Truth, and Transparency

    September 25, 2019 In his farewell address, George Washington admonished the American people to remember the inherent power of their voluntary acts of civil union: “The unity of government which constitutes you one people is…a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize.”  So it must be for us as we weigh the implications of a report filed by a whistleblower and attempts by the executive branch to impede congressional access to this record. As citizens of one nation, it is incumbent upon us…