• Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: Protect Afghan Women and Support Urgent Afghan Refugee Resettlement

    Over the last few days the world has been witness to the precipitate fall of the Afghan government and army. The rapid entry of the Taliban into all major Afghan cities has exposed countless American citizens and our Afghan allies to violence and retribution at the hands of the invading army. While the situation on the ground is rapidly changing, it is clear the U.S. government is making significant efforts to airlift out U.S. citizens, as well as those who were directly employed by the U.S. government.   But it is not clear that there is a pathway to safety for women who are not directly employed by our government. Afghan…

  • refugee resettlement ceiling - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Shoulder to Shoulder

    The Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions — and What We Can Do to Help

    As quoted in Matthew 5:35, Jesus said, “I was a stranger, and ye took me in.” Our faith and our love for all humankind demand that we do our part to take in the stranger (see Exodus 23:9). The United Nations estimates that at this moment in history, more than 80 million people have been forced from their homes by threats to their lives. We must do our part to provide refuge for these families around the world (see Responsibilities). To appreciate the gravity of the current situation and have the strongest impact on the process, we must understand the background of refugee resettlement in our country.  Each fall, the…

  • MWEG Chapters,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    An Open Letter to Montana Senators on Federal Refugee Funding from the Montana Chapter of MWEG

    Dear Senators, On behalf of the Montana Chapter of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, we strongly encourage you to reinstate the federal pass-through funding for the refugee resettlement program in HB2. Federal pass-through funding for the refugee resettlement program is beneficial to the state. This funding does not incur costs for the state of Montana. It contributes to healthy communities through job creation and funding in the areas of health and human services, education, and housing. When refugee communities benefit, the state benefits as well. Montana has a history of welcoming displaced people since the ’70s, when the state welcomed Hmong families who had helped the United States during the…

  • Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: Support Dreamers and Pass the Dream Act of 2021

    UPDATE: On July 16, 2021, a federal judge ruled that accepting new DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) applications is illegal. While this does not change the status of current DACA recipients, it does bar new applicants, emphasizing the need for legislative action. The House passed the Dream Act, but the bill is currently held up in the Senate. We need to continue to encourage our senators to work together to find a legislative solution to ensure Dreamers are protected from deportation and are provided a reasonable pathway to permanent status. The American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 is a bipartisan bill that would provide permanent protection and a…

  • immigration - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Shoulder to Shoulder

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Immigration Priorities Statement

    A new year and a new presidential administration bring hope for ethical changes to immigration. The last four years both highlighted long-time issues and brought about many new challenges. We are hopeful that the work of MWEG members and many other organizations will lead the way to positive immigration reform. MWEG’s evolution since its inception in 2017 has prepared Shoulder to Shoulder, MWEG’s immigration initiative, to make a tangible difference in the coming year and thereafter. Our priorities for immigration reform are as follows: Change the tone. Reverse the current anti-immigration tone to demonstrate respect, compassion, and dignity for every human being. Support refugees. Increase the presidential determination on refugee…

  • ICE hysterectomies - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: Investigate Whistleblower Complaint on Unwanted Hysterectomies Performed in ICE Detention Centers

    A former nurse at an ICE detention center has filed a whistleblower complaint about both insufficient prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and the number of women in custody receiving hysterectomies. The complaint identifies concerns with the frequency, lack of sufficient consent, and questionable necessity of the gynecological procedure performed by one doctor in particular. The Department of Homeland Security confirmed an investigation will proceed.  To do: Contact your members of Congress to let them know you are both aware of and concerned about the troubling allegations noted in the whistleblower complaint and that an independent investigation must proceed. In less than five minutes, you can submit a letter via our…