Be a Witness: Speak Out for a Full and Fair Impeachment Trial
UPDATE: Deadline extended to 5PM PT / 6PM MT / 7PM CT / 8PM ET.
We are Republicans. We are Democrats. We are Independents and the unaffiliated. Our combined voices represent the majority of American voters, and we are frustrated by politicians who weaponize our two-party system as a means to consolidate and maintain political power. Hyperpartisanship makes enemies of fellow citizens and insulates leaders from the natural and legal consequences of their actions. When this happens, we all lose.
There is a better way. We must come together and unitedly proclaim that our primary allegiance is to the nation we love. Then, as voters, we must demand the highest standards from the leaders who we ourselves helped elect. We must take back the power of our individual voices.
On Tuesday, January 14, 2020, volunteers from Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) will print and hand deliver any constituent letter peacefully requesting that their senators:
- Hold a full and fair impeachment trial
- Call sworn witnesses
- Compel Senator McConnell to conduct an impeachment trial without prejudice.
We are also calling upon each of you to write directly to Senator McConnell pressing him to act independently of the president and allow a fair trial to proceed.
Please submit all letters here by 6PM MT on Monday, January 13. You write the message, and we will act only as messengers. Our goal is to have the senators hear directly from as many citizens as possible. To increase the impact of your letter, we encourage you to call your senator’s office the day of delivery to encourage them to read it.
If your senator is a Republican, ask them to ensure that the Senate respects the process for impeachment as outlined in the Constitution, holding a full and fair trial with sworn testimony from witnesses. Ask them to work impartially on the impeachment trial.
If your senator is a Democrat, ask them to lead out, reaching across party lines to incentivize good actions. Remind them that they too must act impartially — avoiding partisan posturing.
These actions may be politically costly, but senators will be long remembered for how they respond to this historic process. Each senator can act as an individual of principle, in a way that will help heal our nation, by insisting on the presentation of objective truth and confirming our shared commitment to justice. We must focus now on the nation we want to be after 2020 — grounded in the rule of law, governed by women and men of integrity, and responsive to the voice of its citizenry. Ask for a commitment to truth and impartiality. Let your voice be heard.