• Education

    Principled Voter Part 5: Environmental Stewardship

    Welcome to our Principled Voter series, which helps voters better understand the problems affecting both themselves and others in our society — and then vote in ways that work toward solutions. Principled voters are Golden Rule voters. They ask if their vote will harm others or leave people behind. Principled voters use their vote to protect others and create a better future. Here is one issue to consider as you become a principled voter. “For Christians, doing something about climate change is about living out our faith — caring for those who need help, our neighbors here at home or on the other side of the world, and taking responsibility…

  • Call to Action,  Environment and Sustainability

    Earth Day Call to Action: Thank Elected Officials for the Environmental Provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

    As women of faith, our ethic of environmental stewardship is informed by scripture and prophetic counsel. President Russell M. Nelson proclaimed: “We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it, and preserve it for future generations.” MWEG’s Principle of Ethical Government 2f states: “Governments and members of society have an obligation to exercise responsible stewardship of the earth, thereby protecting not only the wellbeing of their citizens, but also that of both future generations and other citizens of the planet (see D&C 59:18-21 and D&C 104:13-15).”  We are at a critical juncture for taking effective action and implementing policy to mitigate the effects of climate change. The climate…

  • Earth Day - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Call to Action

    Earth Day Call to Action: Request Responsible Legislation for Environmental Stewardship

    As women of faith, our ethic of environmental stewardship is informed by prophetic counsel. For example, President Russell M. Nelson proclaimed: “We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it, and preserve it for future generations.” Likewise, MWEG’s Principle of Ethical Government (2f) states: “Governments and members of society have an obligation to exercise responsible stewardship of the earth, thereby protecting not only the wellbeing of their citizens, but also that of both future generations and other citizens of the planet (see D&C 59:18-21 and D&C 104:13-15).”  We are at a critical juncture for taking effective action and implementing policy to mitigate the effects of climate change. This…

  • climate change - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Official Statements

    Official Statement by Mormon Women for Ethical Government on Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change

    October 19, 2018 The recently released report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the deleterious effects of global climate change. The consequences of maintaining the status quo of carbon emissions and the resulting rate of global temperature change are dire and include major shifts in patterns of weather, fire, and hydrology; large-scale impacts on biodiversity; and disruption to human systems, including agriculture and food supplies, migration, national security, and economies. According to the IPCC, “there is no documented historical precedent” for the worldwide changes required to avoid these dramatic consequences. Two days after this report was released, Elder Steven E. Snow, historian and recorder for The Church…

  • Environment and Sustainability,  Principles of Ethical Government

    Principles of Ethical Government: The Environment and Sustainability

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Principles of Ethical Government (2)(f) states: Governments and members of society have an obligation to exercise responsible stewardship of the earth, thereby protecting not only the wellbeing of their citizens, but also that of both future generations and other citizens of the planet (see D&C 59:18-21 and D&C 104:13-15). We are blessed through our physical and spiritual connections to the earth, and we are accountable for treating it in a manner that honors the creator. Further, our treatment of the earth is interconnected to our treatment of other people. Climate change threatens a wide range of human rights and needs to be addressed through systemic…

  • rolls of $100 bills (campaign finance)
    Education,  Protecting Democracy

    Navigating Political Ads: How to Be an Informed Citizen When Lying Is Legal

    During election season, political advertisements seem to be everywhere we look. Though some of us may feel a fervent desire to ignore them, it’s not possible to completely escape their reach. Nor should we tune them out entirely, since they present opportunities to learn about candidates and hold our elected officials accountable. Political ads are clearly designed to influence us in a specific way (usually to convince us to vote for or against a certain candidate). The questions we should ask ourselves about the ads we see or hear include: Who is trying to influence us? (i.e., Who paid for this ad?) and, What is their objective? (i.e., What are…