• MWEG in Action,  Official Statements

    From the Founders: Looking Forward to 2018

    2017: It was the worst of times, it was the best of times. There has, indeed, been a silver lining to the calamity and distress of the year past — an unprecedented awakening of the citizens of the world and a greater degree of civic engagement than most of us have ever witnessed before. We’ve done great things at MWEG. As a fledgling organization that is still less than one year old, we can feel very, very proud of what we’ve accomplished. Many thanks to Iris Salazar for taking the time to put together this visual retrospective of our 2017. As we move forward now into a brand new year,…

  • president trump - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    MWEG Opinions

    An Open Letter to President Trump from Mormon Women for Ethical Government

    Dear Mr. President, We welcome you to our beautiful state. You probably do not know much about Mormons, so let us take a minute to introduce ourselves to you. First and foremost, we are followers of Jesus Christ, and we take seriously and literally his commandment to care for the poor, the sick, the needy, the children, and the widows. We are peacemakers. We believe in kindness and charity, in decency and compassion, in light and goodness. We believe in truth, and know that God can help us distinguish truth from fiction. We believe that we are all God’s children–every single one of us, regardless of skin color, creed, nationality,…

  • Voices of MWEG


    We’ve become unaccustomed to dialing down the intake of information in anything but rapid fire succession and bite-sized chunks. In an attempt to slow down and reflect about what I am taking in, I dissected this piece about racism with a group of friends this week. The goal was to reflect before reacting. To listen with no intention of immediately responding. We spent a day on each subsection (there are breaks in the text) and considered slowly. For instance, reading these two paragraphs multiple times allowed me to really hear what the author was saying: “This emotional disconnect is the conclusion of living a life oblivious to the fact that their…

  • muslims - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Voices of MWEG

    Making Connections

    Show of hands from everyone reading this: How many of you identify as being an introvert? For those of you who half-heartedly raised your hands (but only because you’re alone in the privacy of your own home — there’s no way you’d randomly raise your hand out in public and draw unwanted attention to yourself), I get it. I was the kid who would bring a book to church dances. The best way to strike fear into my otherwise confident adolescent heart was a forced get-to-know-you session at girls’ camp. Not much has changed with adulthood. The last thing I want to do when I’m out in public is make small…

  • immigrants - Mormon Women for Ethical Government, MWEG
    Voices of MWEG

    Stripping off My Petticoat

    by Liz Evans In a morning session of General Conference in October of 1856, President Brigham Young issued a call to action. He had been informed that several companies of immigrants, on their way to Salt Lake City, were in trouble and in desperate need of assistance. All those within earshot were called to help — right then, at that very moment. Because, as President Young said, the matter “shall not wait until tomorrow, nor the next day.” Members were asked to give what they could. Some bravely volunteered to make the journey to help those on the trail, while others offered up wagons, flour, mules, oxen, yokes, and blankets.…