• Environment and Sustainability

    The Global Problem of Plastic Waste — and How to Reduce It

    Plastic production and consumption is a global problem. From 1950 to 2015, the world produced 8.3 billion tons of plastic. In 2015 alone, the production of plastic was 380 million metric tons. Of all this plastic, over half was designed to be used only once then discarded. Most of this plastic does not get recycled. The rate of plastic recycling from 1950 to 2015 was only 6%, and despite significant gains, the recycling rate in 2015 was only 20%. Further, much of the recycling of plastic waste from the U.S. is diverted to other countries, many of which are unable to manage their own waste or do not want it.…

  • Environment and Sustainability,  Principles of Ethical Government

    Principles of Ethical Government: The Environment and Sustainability

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Principles of Ethical Government (2)(f) states: Governments and members of society have an obligation to exercise responsible stewardship of the earth, thereby protecting not only the wellbeing of their citizens, but also that of both future generations and other citizens of the planet (see D&C 59:18-21 and D&C 104:13-15). We are blessed through our physical and spiritual connections to the earth, and we are accountable for treating it in a manner that honors the creator. Further, our treatment of the earth is interconnected to our treatment of other people. Climate change threatens a wide range of human rights and needs to be addressed through systemic…

  • Environment and Sustainability

    Recycling: The Whys and the Hows

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that in 2017, 35.2% of waste generated was recovered through recycling. Within individual categories, paper and cardboard were recycled at about a rate of 66%, and yard waste/grass clippings were composted or recovered at a rate of 69%. Materials like plastic and glass came in at only 8% and 27%, respectively. Contrast these statistics with the estimated time it takes each of these materials to biodegrade: Glass takes a whopping 1 million years to decompose! Plastic can take upwards of 500 years to decompose, with some types taking less time. Cardboard can take as little as a few months to biodegrade if soaked, shredded,…

  • Environment and Sustainability

    Aging Water Infrastructure and Impacts to Vulnerable Communities

    Infrastructure has been in the news a lot over the last couple of years, and not for positive reasons. Across the U.S., roads, bridges, pipelines, and other public infrastructure are in need of replacement and repair. Water infrastructure — our pipes, mains, valves, pumps, treatment facilities, and reservoirs — is also aging. Many of our water systems were built in the 1900s (or earlier!) and are reaching the end of their designed life.  Part of the problem is that the initial cost for a lot of water infrastructure was paid for in large part by the federal government in the form of direct investment, low-interest loans, or grants. Today, those…