• MWEG Conference - Mormon Women for Ethical Government

    Announcing the 2020 Spring Conference for Mormon Women for Ethical Government

    You’ve probably heard the phrase “well-behaved women seldom make history.” But did you know Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who penned the phrase, didn’t mean to suggest that only extreme actions and behaviors matter? They’re just the ones that typically get acknowledged in written history. She believes, as does MWEG, that ordinary people have an impact, if they are willing to take action! The theme for our third annual Mormon Women for Ethical Government conference is “Well-behaved women CAN make history,” and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich will be the keynote speaker. Join us at our conference to hear from her, along with featured speaker Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, Better Days 2020’s Neylan McBaine, MWEG…