
Principles Matter — Unity

This article is part of our Principled Voter series.

A principled voter asks: Does this candidate promote unity or division? 

E pluribus unum is a Latin phrase meaning “Out of many, one.” 

“The great peacemaker, the restorer of unity, is the one who finds a way to help people see the truth they share. That truth they share is always greater and more important to them than their differences.” — Henry B. Eyring

What is unity? Unity isn’t conformity, and it isn’t oppression. It is a voluntary agreement among individuals to work together for a common cause. 

What is at stake? Democracies rely on cooperation and shared vision in order to function effectively.

Our society is complex, and we face big challenges. Leaders who understand the power of unity provide the vision that enables us to work together for the good of our nation.

Why does it matter? 

  • Our nation is incredibly diverse; we are bound together by ideas and a common commitment to our form of government. Unity protects us and allows us to work together to accomplish things smaller groups couldn’t do alone.
  • Mutual trust and respect are critical to problem solving, especially in times of crisis.
  • We are weakest when we are divided. Divisive rhetoric can put vulnerable citizens and our cooperative government at risk.

How can I tell if this candidate values unity?

  • They share a clear vision for our nation that has a place for all citizens, regardless of  race, creed, class, party, or other differences. 
  • They are comfortable working with members of the other party. They genuinely welcome a variety of perspectives.
  • They are builders, not destroyers.  

No candidate is perfect, but some inspire unity more than others.

“Unity doesn’t magically happen; it takes work. It’s messy, sometimes it’s uncomfortable, and it happens gradually when we clear away the bad as fast as the good can grow.” — Sharon Eubank

Patterns can reveal a commitment to principles. How can we determine if a candidate is a unifier?

  • Imagine a group effort like an orchestra or a surgical team. Their success is a combination of individual talent and cooperation. Government is the ultimate group project. Does this candidate inspire cooperation and create successful outcomes with their teams?
  • Do their words make you feel isolated, angry, and frightened? Or hopeful and part of something bigger than yourself?
  • Do they build faith in other citizens and our democracy?

Principled voters are “golden rule” voters. They consider whether their vote will harm others, and they use their vote to create a better shared future. 

Voting for candidates who promote unity is essential if we want to build the beloved community and enjoy peace, justice, and equality. We should support leaders who articulate an inclusive and hopeful vision — and who reach across divides to build and restore harmony.

Principles matter. Hope votes.