
Principled Voter Part 7: Relieving Human Suffering

Welcome to our Principled Voter series, which helps voters better understand the problems affecting both themselves and others in our society — and then vote in ways that work toward solutions. Principled voters are Golden Rule voters. They ask if their vote will harm others or leave people behind. Principled voters use their vote to protect others and create a better future. Here is one issue to consider as you become a principled voter.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” — Helen Keller

A principled voter first asks, “How do my candidates help relieve human suffering?”

Our national reaction to human suffering reflects our moral state. Indifference to human suffering corrupts our culture and does lasting harm. When government and private entities cooperate to relieve suffering, it allows us to collectively bear one another’s burdens and encourages citizens to directly help each other. Suffering resulting from unjust laws and disproportionate enforcement destroys trust in our institutions. When people of faith endorse government actions that cause suffering, they compromise the reputations of both religion and the state.

A principled voter understands that government authority can cause great human suffering or be used as a powerful tool for its relief. You can support leaders who use the power of government compassionately, affirming the value of the lives of all God’s children. Advocate that our nation provide succor and relief to those fleeing violence, persecution, and natural disasters, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. Seek to increase public compassion and speak out against leaders who respond with cruelty or indifference. Often, people suffer due to circumstances beyond their control. Vote for leaders who will see suffering and advocate for those needing support.

Ask yourself a few more questions:

  • Does my vote reflect my beliefs about how we should care for God’s children?
  • Will my vote relieve the suffering caused by the abuse of power? 
  • Do the candidates I support promote forgiveness and personal growth?