
Principled Voter Part 4: Ethics and Corruption

Welcome to our Principled Voter series, which helps voters better understand the problems affecting both themselves and others in our society — and then vote in ways that work toward solutions. Principled voters are Golden Rule voters. They ask if their vote will harm others or leave people behind. Principled voters use their vote to protect others and create a better future. Here is one issue to consider as you become a principled voter.

“The truth exonerates and it convicts. It disinfects and it galvanizes. The truth has always been and will always be our shield against corruption, our shield against greed and despair.” — Oprah Winfrey

A principled voter first asks, “Do my candidates demonstrate principles of ethical leadership?”

Our government must work for all of us, not just for the wealthy and connected. We expect citizens and elected officials to obey the law. When corruption increases, private markets favor the powerful, and the government becomes less efficient. Everyday Americans, including small businesses, get left behind. Trust is destroyed when corruption is protected by partisanship. Transparency and accountability are necessary to keep complex governments honest and fiscally responsible.

A principled voter understands that corruption — using public office for personal gain rather than public service — hurts people and cripples democracies. You can support leaders who earn trust by following laws and upholding norms, no matter what policy outcomes are at stake. You can champion just laws that protect the innocent, the powerless, and those with fewer resources. Corruption favors the strong, the rich, and the guilty. You can support leaders who use government to serve the average citizen, not just those with access to power. Be aware of your own access to power. Demand that your own party leaders adhere to the highest standards and exemplify what it means to follow norms. 

Ask yourself a few more questions:

  • Do I understand how norms and laws personally protect me?
  • Do the candidates I support obey norms and express support for the rule of law? 
  • Do any of the candidates offer and support solutions to prevent corruption?