Pledge Not to Leverage or Weaponize Faith for Political Gain

During this election season, we invite all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well as groups or initiatives that gather individuals by means of a shared faith in Jesus Christ or their membership in the Church, to pledge not to leverage or weaponize faith and membership for the purpose of political gain.
We hereby pledge to never:
- use official Church membership lists, email lists, or unofficial social media sites (ward/stake/Relief Society/elders quorum groups) to support political candidates or promote political opinions;
- use Church icons, sacred symbols, buildings, or Church-approved artwork or branding to promote individual political candidates or policy positions;
- advocate for, or speak negatively about, candidates, parties, or political ideologies in lessons, talks, and discussions at church; or
- morally condemn individuals for their personal political expressions or imply that any candidate or party has doctrinal, Church, or divine support.
We hereby pledge to keep a distinction between our organization and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We will never claim or suggest endorsement of our political efforts by the Church or Church leaders. We appreciate the Church’s commitment to maintaining political neutrality.
We deeply value our religious community and love the sisters and brothers with whom we worship. We believe we more closely approach Zion when we respectfully allow others to act according to their conscience and ensure that our religious spaces are free from the acrimony of politics.
Mormon Women for Ethical Government
Latter-day Saint Democrats of America
Latter-day Saints for Biden-Harris
Latter-day Saints In Action
We invite all groups or initiatives that gather individuals by means of a shared faith in Jesus Christ or their membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to join us in signing and sharing this pledge. Please contact us at to include your name.
If you are an individual ready to take the pledge, tell us why it’s important to you!
Want to share this message? Download the graphics below to invite others to take the pledge!