
Host a Voter Preparation Party!

While the news cycle continues its dizzying course, let’s not be distracted from one of our primary purposes here at MWEG — to make sure we are doing all we can to encourage the citizens of this great country to be informed, to be engaged, and to exercise that most basic of all rights/responsibilities in a government of, by, and for the people — the right to vote!

We are eager to proactively follow the counsel from the First Presidency to all members of the Church “to be active citizens by registering, exercising [your] right to vote, and engaging in civic affairs….” and to “spend the time needed to become informed about the issues and candidates you will be considering.” (Letter from First Presidency, October 2016)

Wondering how to help accomplish this purpose? Host a Voter Preparation Party! (And courage others to do the same.) We’ve prepared a few documents to get you started — including Voter Preparation Party instructions and a variety of printable invitations.

It is of critical importance that these parties accurately represent who we are and what MWEG is about, particularly our core attributes — faithful, nonpartisan, peaceful, and proactive. These parties are intended to be merely informative, not a place for debate about the candidates or issues. We do hope you will encourage your guests to attend a follow-up meeting, though, or join MWEG’s state chapters for those kinds of discussions. If you do intend to host a follow-up meeting for deeper discussion, please make that clear in your invitations, and please keep it nonpartisan in accordance with our mission and objectives.