US Capitol (importance of character in voting, trustworthy candidates)

Character Matters — Trustworthiness

This article is part of our Principled Voter series.

A principled voter asks: Is this candidate trustworthy?

“Trust and truth aren’t the only things that matter in a democracy, but no democracy can survive without them.” — Nancy Gibbs

What does it mean to be trustworthy? A principled voter knows that democracies run on trust — and trust flows from honest communication and behavior. When we select politicians to represent us, we expect them to make decisions grounded in fact and act with our best interests in mind.

What is at stake? Policy can be temporary, but untrustworthy leaders can do lasting harm. They fracture our confidence in government, institutions, and each other. Their behavior contaminates our civil society at all levels. When we select our leaders, we should prioritize trustworthiness, regardless of which policy issues are at stake.

Why does it matter?  

  • Dishonesty and corruption (using public office for personal gain rather than public service) hurt people and cripples democracies.
  • Our leaders have an unprecedented ability to communicate directly with the public.  Untrustworthy leaders can freely share lies or misinformation, but trustworthy leaders will communicate with integrity and self-control.
  • We entrust leaders with highly sensitive information — and enormous power flows from that information.

How can I tell if a candidate is trustworthy? 

  • They don’t knowingly perpetuate false information.  
  • They follow the law and uphold democratic norms, thereby promoting peace and ensuring our government runs efficiently.
  • They prioritize public service over personal gain.

No candidate is perfect, but some are more trustworthy than others. 

Patterns of behavior reveal character. Ask yourself:

  • Does this candidate exhibit a pattern of trustworthy speech and behavior? Are they honest about their accomplishments?
  • How does this candidate use power? 
  • Is this candidate transparent and responsive to voters? 

Principled voters are “golden rule” voters. They consider whether their vote will harm others, and they use their vote to create a better shared future.

Electing trustworthy candidates facilitates engaged citizenship, increases trust in our society, and builds the beloved community.

Character matters. Hope votes.