• Arizona refugees - MWEG
    MWEG in Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Advocating for Refugees in Arizona

    By Christie Black, MWEG Arizona Member and Senior Director of Engagement November 21, 2019 Many members of the MWEG Arizona chapter are committed mentors of refugee families in cities throughout the state. We have spent countless hours preparing for, resettling, teaching, serving alongside, and loving our new friends who are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries. We have watched with dismay as the numbers of refugees the U.S. will accept drops each year, and our hearts fill with sadness for those who are left in limbo, waiting for the opportunity to resettle in a new home. October was an abysmal month in particular, as no refugees were admitted…

  • Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: Encourage Your Governor to Accept Refugees in Your State!

    Governor Gary Herbert of Utah sent the letter below to President Trump, asking him to continue to allow refugees to be resettled in Utah. This is in response to the President’s executive order, which places the onus of accepting refugees on state and local governments. Governor Herbert’s response was swift and clear and a model for other governors to follow. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was himself a refugee from war-torn Eastern Europe during World War II. He has often spoken of his own experience in order to encourage Church members to welcome refugees. Similarly,…

  • refugees - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Call to Action,  En Español,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Llamado Urgente a la Acción para el Reasentamiento de Refugiados

    To read this post in English, click here. La ley de GRACE es una legislación crítica para asegurar el reasentamiento de refugiados que buscan un lugar seguro en los Estados Unidos. De hecho, estos refugiados son seleccionados por La Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. La Ley de GRACE establece que la cantidad mínima de refugiados aceptados en el país es de 95,000 refugiados. Dicho número refleja históricamente el límite de admisiones de refugiados y ofrece una respuesta flexible al incremento drástico de refugiados alrededor del mundo.  El presidente Trump anunció su plan de establecer un número máximo de admisiones de 18.000 refugiados para el…

  • refugees - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Call to Action,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Call to Action: GRACE Act

    Para leer esta publicación en inglés, haga clic aquí. The Guaranteed Refugee Admission Ceiling Enhancement (GRACE) Act is critical legislation to ensure the successful resettling of refugees seeking a safe haven in the United States. These refugees have already been selected by the UN Refugee Agency. The GRACE Act sets a required resettlement floor (meaning an admissions minimum) of 95,000 refugees. This number better reflects the United States’ historical threshold for accepting refugees and shows a flexible response to the drastic rise in refugees worldwide. President Trump announced his plan to set the refugee ceiling (meaning an admissions maximum) for 2020 at an all-time low of 18,000. In addition, cities and…

  • immigration reform - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Shoulder to Shoulder

    A Citizens’ Proposal for Ethical Immigration Reform

    We are a nation in crisis. We are in the midst of a partial government shutdown that is threatening to become the longest in our nation’s history. Real people, real families are being hurt by the inability of our government to find solutions through bipartisan compromise. It is time for the citizens of this government of, by, and for the people to show the way forward. Mormon Women for Ethical Government has spent the past year working in collaboration with immigration scholars, law professors, and attorneys to craft the following citizens’ proposal to the current gridlock over immigration reform. This proposal is an attempt at genuine compromise and focuses on…

  • 15 declarations immigration - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Official Statements,  Shoulder to Shoulder

    Fifteen Declarations on Ethical Immigration Policy

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring women of faith to be ambassadors of peace who transcend partisanship and courageously advocate for ethical government. We are greatly disheartened by the current immigration situation in the United States. Immigration is a complex topic with many potential points of philosophical and practical debate. A balanced and civil approach to reform is desperately needed. These 15 declarations describe our vision of ethical immigration policy. They are in harmony with the Principles of Ethical Government (PEG), the foundation for our policy decisions: Immigration policy must respect political norms and procedures, uphold the human and civil rights of all people,…