• Education,  Principles of Ethical Government

    Principles of Ethical Government: Media Literacy

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Principles of Ethical Government (3)(a) states: (a) All individuals have a duty to educate themselves about the actions of government officials and current events in the world, taking care to ascertain facts from reliable sources of information (see D&C 88:78-81, 118). As members of MWEG, our goal is to courageously advocate for ethical government, and in order to do that we need to be informed on what our government is doing and determine whether we agree with what it does. We are committed to learning more about government action, current events, and what constitutes ethical government. We also aim to develop the skills necessary to identify reputable news sources…

  • Education,  Principles of Ethical Government

    Principles of Ethical Government: Freedom of the Press

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Principles of Ethical Government (1)(d) states: A free press is essential to ensuring governmental transparency and accountability. Government officials have a special duty to respect the independence of journalistic organizations. (Luke 12:2-3) Heavenly Father has urged us to seek light and knowledge to help us do good in the world (Moroni 7:19, see also Moroni 7 generally). But to gain a broad knowledge of local, national, and world events, we have to rely on the press to witness, research, and sift through information on our behalf. This reporting is best accomplished when members of the press are free to gather and report news with limited…

  • Environment and Sustainability,  Principles of Ethical Government

    Principles of Ethical Government: The Environment and Sustainability

    Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Principles of Ethical Government (2)(f) states: Governments and members of society have an obligation to exercise responsible stewardship of the earth, thereby protecting not only the wellbeing of their citizens, but also that of both future generations and other citizens of the planet (see D&C 59:18-21 and D&C 104:13-15). We are blessed through our physical and spiritual connections to the earth, and we are accountable for treating it in a manner that honors the creator. Further, our treatment of the earth is interconnected to our treatment of other people. Climate change threatens a wide range of human rights and needs to be addressed through systemic…