Call to Action: Commit to Accept Election Results

With the 2024 presidential election less than two weeks away, many are feeling deep apprehension about how the electoral process will play out. We can feel confident, however, knowing that over the past four years, public servants, elected officials, and the American people have worked tirelessly to shore up the institutions, infrastructure, and systems that have ensured our freedom and protected our liberties for more than 200 years. These efforts have resulted in the most secure and safe elections in our nation’s history.
Certainty in elections has sustained our country through wars, economic downturns, social unrest, and political transitions. Even when we are deeply divided, our reliance on an election’s outcomes has propelled us forward. As such, it is imperative that our members of Congress do everything in their power to sow trust in our elections and the efforts of those who help make our elections possible.
The thousands of poll workers — our neighbors and fellow citizens — who work to make sure every vote is counted are unsung heroes who act out of a duty to their communities and country. It is through their diligence, and the multiple layers of checks in the system, that we can trust in the results.
A secure election and a peaceful transition of power are part of our legacy as a democracy, and both should be protected and celebrated.
Use our simple letter-writing tool to contact your members of Congress and ask them to publicly commit to accepting the election results regardless of the outcome. Encourage them to do everything in their power to uphold faith in our election processes and those who administer them by rejecting all false narratives, frivolous legal challenges, and misinformation that seeks to undermine integrity in the election. Finally, urge them to renounce harmful partisan political rhetoric and speak and act in ways that bridge ideological divisions and work toward unity and the common good.