• nationality ban - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    Shoulder to Shoulder

    Nationality Ban Information

    The Trump administration has announced that several more countries will be added to its nationality ban in a new presidential proclamation. Citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar/Burma, Eritrea, and Nigeria will all be banned from receiving immigrant visas, except special immigrant visas that are available to a very limited number of people, beginning on February 21. Citizens of Tanzania and Sudan will not be allowed to get diversity visas, a type of immigrant visa. Nonimmigrant visas will not be affected. Refugees are not included in this ban since they do not enter the U.S. on immigrant visas. There are several troubling provisions and claims in this ban. The Immigration and Nationality Act…

  • MWEG Conference - Mormon Women for Ethical Government

    Announcing the 2020 Spring Conference for Mormon Women for Ethical Government

    You’ve probably heard the phrase “well-behaved women seldom make history.” But did you know Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who penned the phrase, didn’t mean to suggest that only extreme actions and behaviors matter? They’re just the ones that typically get acknowledged in written history. She believes, as does MWEG, that ordinary people have an impact, if they are willing to take action! The theme for our third annual Mormon Women for Ethical Government conference is “Well-behaved women CAN make history,” and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich will be the keynote speaker. Join us at our conference to hear from her, along with featured speaker Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, Better Days 2020’s Neylan McBaine, MWEG…

  • MWEG Opinions

    Politicians Are Not Going to Save Us from Corruption

    “Today, while a majority of the U.S. Senate voted to acquit Donald J. Trump of both articles of impeachment presented by the House, Sen. Mitt Romney stood courageously in defense of ethical government voting to convict. He honored his solemn duty to put country over party. We congratulate and commend him on this act of leadership.” Click here for the full text of this Salt Lake Tribune op-ed by MWEG leaders Wendy Dennehy and Lisa Rampton Halverson.

  • Call to Action

    An Open Thank You Letter to Senator Romney

    On February 5, 2020, Senator Mitt Romney gave a speech on the Senate floor to explain his tremendously courageous vote to convict President Trump on one article of impeachment. He said, “Like each member of this deliberative body, I love our country. I believe that our Constitution was inspired by Providence. I am convinced that freedom itself is dependent on the strength and vitality of our national character. As it is with each senator, my vote is an act of conviction.” You can read the full text here. If you would like to express your support to him, please sign on to the open letter we have drafted (see text…

  • Romney - Mormon Women for Ethical Government
    MWEG in Action

    Delivering Gratitude to Senators Romney and Collins

    MWEG members met with Senator Romney in person this morning and read our letter of gratitude out loud. You still have time to sign on to the letter thanking him for voting for witnesses in the impeachment trial! We will continue to send his office (and Senator Susan Collins’ office) names and comments as they come in (links below). Chocolate milk? ✔️Mint brownies? ✔️Thank you letter? ✔️Cute little guy? ✔️ For the video of an MWEG member reading our letter to Senator Romney, check out our Instastories. To sign on to the letter, click here. And follow these links to read selections of the comments left with the letters:

  • Shoulder to Shoulder

    Public Charge SCOTUS Ruling

    Last Monday the Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration’s “public charge” policy change is legal. This change “dramatically increases the government’s ability to reject green cards for people who are deemed likely to depend on government aid, such as food stamps, housing assistance, and Medicaid,” according to The Hill. The administration has advertised the rule change as a way to ensure self-sufficiency among immigrants; however, immigration attorneys argue that the rule is both ambiguous and discretionary. It will allow the government to turn away immigrants who have never used public services. In addition, because of this discretion, people can’t know whether accessing specific services will or won’t matter in…