Announcing New Blog; Guidance on Finding the Official Positions of MWEG
We are pleased to announce the launch of “Voices of MWEG,” a blog featuring the work of individual members of Mormon Women for Ethical Government. You can find it at www.womenmakingpeace.org. Empowering women and highlighting their unique voices is an important part of our mission, and this new space will amplify voices you might not otherwise hear. It is already filled with wise and thoughtful words written by the women of MWEG. Our membership is ideologically, experientially, and politically diverse, which is a source of our strength. However, our organization is committed to being nonpartisan. As such, we recognize the need to clearly distinguish between the opinions of individuals we…
Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on the Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has brought into sharp relief the degree to which we are all interconnected. We prayerfully plead that we meet this knowledge not with selfishness or indifference, but instead with a renewed determination to work together to mitigate exposure and suffering. This effort must be made both by governments and individuals. We can all act in ways that preserve both human life [1] and the cohesion of local and global communities. We must responsibly follow the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, which direct governments and institutional leaders to provide clear information, actively monitor events to mitigate spread, and implement measures to protect health systems and provide care. Failure…
Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on Judiciary Independence
One of the basic institutions of our democracy is an independent judiciary — one that is free from external pressure and political threats that arise from the other co-branches of government. Keeping distance between branches creates and instills trust in the judiciary by assuring each individual access to a fair and uninfluenced judicial system. In the past two weeks we have seen attacks on the judiciary from both the executive branch and the legislative branch of our government. In late February President Trump called on Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and Sotomayor to recuse themselves from anything ‘Trump-related.’ This aberrant request from the president came as the Supreme Court was to…
Principles of Ethical Government: Combating Corruption
Mormon Women for Ethical Government’s Principles of Ethical Government (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) state: (a) People in positions of power should not lightly violate or discard long-standing political norms, especially norms that serve to limit the abuse of power (see D&C 121:39). (b) Government officials and institutions should be honest and transparent, insofar as possible without harming national security and individual rights (see D&C 123:13; Alma 37:25). (c) Elected and appointed officials and government employees alike must eschew conflicts of interest and avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest in fidelity to the public trust. Appointees to specialized government roles should be well-qualified to serve in those roles (see…
Romney Supporters Rally on the Capitol Steps
Mormon Women for Ethical Government joined with Salt Lake Indivisible, Stand Up Republic of Utah, Student Republicans of Utah, Republicans for the Rule of Law, and Alliance for a Better Utah on the south steps of the Utah capitol building on Friday to thank Utah Senator Mitt Romney for his courageous role in the 2020 presidential impeachment process.
MWEG Impeachment Advocacy Timeline
In September, MWEG members across the nation began focusing attention on the impeachment process. Our response to this historic event was driven by a desire to help transform citizens as much as leaders. As the Ukraine scandal began to unfold, our members began crowd-sourcing neutral and comprehensive information about actors, processes, norms, and political relationships. As the House moved toward impeachment, we discussed together what the process would look like as well as historical precedent. Members communicated together on our Facebook discussion group, and leadership reached out with our newsletter, Facebook live events, and presentations on our internal platform. Our objective is always to learn together, gain knowledge and skills,…