• Official Statements

    Families Can Be Together Forever; Families Should Be Together Now

    May 15, 2018 Today is International Day of Families, and here at Mormon Women for Ethical Government we believe families can be together forever. We also believe families should be together NOW. For this reason, we are choosing to stand in solidarity with mothers, fathers, and children who are at risk of forced separation from cruel and unjust measures currently being pursued by Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at our borders. Join us as we plead with her to put an end to family separations. #KeepFamiliesTogether #EndFamilySeparation #mormonweg Send your letter or email to: The Honorable Kirstjen M. Nielsen Secretary of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20528 DHSSecretary@hq.dhs.gov Learn more: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900017735/op-ed-breaking-up-families-is-antithetical-to-us-ideals.html

  • Official Statements

    Mother’s Day Call to Action: Immigration

    May 11, 2018 Please join us in sending Mother’s Day cards to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen pleading with her (in true MWEG fashion consistent with our Principles of Peacemaking) to stop unnecessarily separating mothers and children at the border. Our op-ed in the Deseret News last week explained how the Department of Health and Human Services recently confirmed that, since October 2017, it has taken custody of more than 700 children at the U.S. border, including more than 100 children under the age of 4. (https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900017735/op-ed-breaking-up-families-is-antithetical-to-us-ideals.html) DHS claims to be merely doing its duty to protect children, but such motives are called into question by the fact that many of…

  • Official Statements

    Official Statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government on Crisis in Syria

    April 20, 2018 Syria’s protracted civil war has decimated the homes, security, futures, and lives of hundreds of thousands. With the allegations of chemical attacks by the Syrian government on Syria’s own, the conflict has entered a realm where international treaties are disregarded wholesale, the rule of law is mocked and trodden underfoot, war crimes proliferate, and the heinous scourge of war only escalates. When governments alone fail to broker reconciliation, it behooves members of grassroots civic and religious organizations around the world to join the global discussion and, as agents for peace, raise their voices in an effort to reach a resolution. Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) is…

  • Official Statements

    An Open Letter to Mitt Romney

    March 28, 2018 Dear Mitt Romney, We represent the Mormon Women for Ethical Government, a large and growing nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to the ideals of decency, honor, accountability, transparency and justice in governing. A large percentage of our members live in Utah and would be your constituents if you were elected to replace Orrin Hatch in the United States Senate. Many of our members have supported you in the past and believe you to be a man of high moral integrity, wise judgment and firm principles. That is why we were so disheartened to read about your remarks on Monday to a gathering of Utah County Republican women in…

  • Official Statements

    In Honor of International Women’s Day: A Suffragist’s Prayer

    March 8, 2018 In honor of International Women’s Day, we share an excerpt from a powerful and moving prayer given by Dr. Elvira S Barney at the Utah Woman Suffrage Association in Salt Lake City on Oct. 7, 1889.  Barney practiced obstetrics and medicine in Utah and was deeply committed to the work of women’s rights and religious liberty. We pray for the weak, we pray for the afflicted, and we pray for the strong, that they may be willing to help carry the burdens of the weak. We pray that thou wilt, in thine own way and time, mellow the hearts of the wicked and immoral, that thy grace…

  • Events

    MWEG Immigration Leads Travel to Washington, D.C. to Meet with Senators and Representatives

    “We have worked hard and long to push for ethical, fair, and compassionate immigration reform in our country. Our members of Congress have had months to come up with a legislative solution that would provide protection to DREAMers, and they have failed to get it done. The March 5th deadline is now mere days away. Many have given up all hope. But we have not. Our immigration committee is working tirelessly behind the scenes on something that we hope might spur some of the more principled of our elected representatives into action. But it may take divine intervention. And so that’s what we are asking for. And we ask you…