• Different colorful figurines as concept of inclusion and diversity.

    Principles Matter — Equality

    This article is part of our Principled Voter series. A principled voter asks: Does this candidate value equality? “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” — The Declaration of Independence What is equality? We are all “alike unto God.” Democracy puts equality into practice. Equality means every citizen can participate in the political process and has a right to freedom, peace, and justice — not just in word but in action. What is at stake? People matter. We all deserve to be treated…

  • Education

    Some Ethical Questions on Project 2025

    In our recent Project 2025 informational post on social media, we introduced some of the ideas proposed by Project 2025 as well as the concerns this proposal raises. As Mormon Women for Ethical Government, we believe diversity of thought is an important ingredient in a vibrant democracy. A healthy democracy follows deliberative processes that facilitate productive disagreement and allow voters to have their voices heard, provide input and feedback to influence legislation, and participate in a robust public system that promotes broad representation of views. A basic overview of Project 2025 Project 2025, a document outlining a sweeping reform of American government, has been created and published by the Heritage…

  • American flag background in election campaign with stickers of I vote for supporters.

    Principles Matter — Democracy

    This article is part of our Principled Voter series. A principled voter asks: Does this candidate preserve democracy?  “Democratic governance affirms the worth of souls. As a society, we must guard against every social, political, and legal effort that seeks to deny anyone the right of self-determination. We are all equal before God.” — MWEG Official Statement What does democracy mean? Democracy is government by the people. In a democratic government, citizens have a voice in voting and lawmaking, and elected officials are accountable to them. We work together to build a society that reflects us all. In democratic systems, power and authority flow from the people. Power is distributed…

  • Education

    Principles Matter — Unity

    This article is part of our Principled Voter series. A principled voter asks: Does this candidate promote unity or division?  E pluribus unum is a Latin phrase meaning “Out of many, one.”  “The great peacemaker, the restorer of unity, is the one who finds a way to help people see the truth they share. That truth they share is always greater and more important to them than their differences.” — Henry B. Eyring What is unity? Unity isn’t conformity, and it isn’t oppression. It is a voluntary agreement among individuals to work together for a common cause.  What is at stake? Democracies rely on cooperation and shared vision in order to function…

  • Education

    Why Principles Matter

    This article is part of our Principled Voter series. Does principle matter more than policy? In a democracy, it does.  “Always vote for principle . . . and you may cherish the sweet reflection that your vote is never lost.” — John Quincy Adams Our country is unique. We are not defined by a common nationality, race, religion, or culture. Instead, we are held together — across our differences — by powerful ideas. “Sacred principles of the laws of nature,” like unity, democracy, equality, and freedom, are the sources of our strength, peace, and prosperity. They protect us.  What is at risk when our political leaders undermine those principles in pursuit of…

  • Education

    Media Literacy Election Toolkit

    An informed citizenry is key to democracy and peacemaking. At MWEG, our goal is to help you find good information so you can make educated choices on Election Day. We hope this media literacy election toolkit will help you as you navigate 2024’s information landscape! Election-related information These are trusted, reliable sources of information about voting provided by either government or non-profit, nonpartisan organizations. Vote411BallotpediaFederal Election CommissionNational Conference of State Legislatures Fact-checking sites These sites can be helpful in verifying election-related news stories or social media posts. They are all reliable and either politically neutral or slightly left of center. AP News Fact CheckReuters Fact CheckFactCheck.orgPolitiFact MWEG resources Election questions:…